Protect your hands and nails from chemicals, viruses, fungi and bacteria! Forget about back and knee pain! Do not touch the cloth with your hands anymore! Tell Chau to the floor cloth with Iberia Pronto® Seca Mop, the innovative system for cleaning the floor in a practical and effective way. The set is made up of a 100% Microfiber mop with a stainless steel end, and a bucket with a press wring system that removes water faster and effortlessly. It is ideal for any type of surface such as ceramics and porcelain tiles, and even for delicate floors such as parquet and floating floors. Plus the included microfiber mop is machine washable and parts can be purchased! You can choose between three different responses depending on the use you are going to give: Cotton, Microfiber or Superfiber.
To purchase the parts, click on:
Ideal cotton exterior floors:
Ideal microfiber interior floors:
Superfiber any surface:
The kit contains:
1 Bucket with Draining System by pressing
1 Stainless Steel Cape
1 Ultra Absorbent Microfiber Mop
Watch the video to see how Seca Mop works: